Strategies I Employ as a Young Leader

Lead with respect and dignity while maintaining authority


Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

โ€œGood leaders make people feel that theyโ€™re at the very heart of things, not at the periphery.โ€ โ€” Warren G. Bennis

There has been a shift in my work over the past few years. I still teach ESL and TEFL in a classroom setting. However, the majority of my business now consists of working one-on-one with high level executives at multinational corporations.

I work with mostly men, 10โ€“20 years older than I am. All are highly skilled in their fields, successful in their native languages at positions which vary from IT professionals to lawyers. They lack an understanding of how nuanced American English can be in both the written and spoken word. Thatโ€™s when I am called to help.

I am sensitive to the fact that some of the employees are embarrassed to require my services. Clearly their expertise is valued or I would not be contacted by their HR department or managing partners.

Iโ€™ve developed the following protocols to make these working relationships successful. My goal is not only to assist the employee but to garner future relationships with these successful corporations. In some cases, I also tutor the families of these executives.



Grace Notes ๐ŸŽถ ๐Ÿ“š @notesofgrace

A grace note is melodically and harmonically nonessential. Like writing it can enhance the score in magical ways. ๐ŸŽถ My name just happens to be Grace .