I Ask Myself Two Questions As I Declutter

There are boxes calling my name

Grace Notes @notesofgrace
2 min read5 days ago


Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

“Any half-awake materialist well knows — that which you hold holds you.”Tom Robbins, 1936.

First, a confession. The reason I have so much stuff is partly my fault. Relatives and friends think because I live in a 150+ year old home, that I want all their “treasures”. Even the moms of my friends want to burden, I mean give me vintage items they no longer want. Once you accept items from Grandma Alice, Aunt Pearl and the lady down the street, word gets around.

I’m learning to use my, “no, thank you” muscle. I offer no explanation why because my decision is not negotiable and not up for debate.

So, I sit with empty boxes and black trash bags ( so no one knows what’s in them) in each room. I tackle a little each day to make thoughtful decisions and not get overwhelmed.

These are the two ( multipart) questions I ask:

  1. Have I used the item in the past two years and do I think I’ll use it in the next year?
  2. Will this bring joy to anyone I know? I ask. Depending on the answer, I give it back, throw it out or donate it.



Grace Notes @notesofgrace

A grace note is melodically and harmonically nonessential. My writing will be more than that. 🎶 My name just happens to be Grace .