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I'm a digital nomad who's currently grounded in New England. These past few years have been an amazing rebirth for me and I can't wait to share my adventures!
Australian fiction writer in the wild. Libraries, short story competitions, never ending notebooks and more. ๐
I am a wanderer, a gardener and a keen observer of both flora and humans. I am also funny, but I'll let you decide if you think that is true.
Visual journalist/writer for New Yorker. Looking to change world w humor.
I quit the rat race and the constant hustle to live sustainably and healthy. I just started to live off grid, showed the middle finger to our modern life.
I am a multilingual and multicultural nomad who studied international affairs and history. I love music, humor, animals, and beauty in everything.
Writing since 2010. Will get it right one day.
Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.
Friend of Medium
I take leaps of faith to find that writing about real life and the stories we live, has a ripple effect in the world around us.
Trish Nonya
Writing with Leah
Sherry Truitt
Liza Donnelly
See all (205)
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