Big Pharma Is Everywhere

Their power supersedes politicians, the law, truth and honor

Grace Notes @notesofgrace
2 min read5 days ago


“For the first 50 years of your life the food industry is trying to make you fat. Then, the second 50 years, the pharmaceutical industry is treating you for everything.” — Pierre Dukan, French physician and nutritionist

There a few things you may not know about the pharmaceutical industry. Are you aware that of the 195 countries in the world, only two allow direct to consumer advertising of drugs? The United States and New Zealand. Who, you ask is responsible for approving those broadcast, social media, magazine ads? Why, it’s our own government agency, the Food and Drug Administration. (FDA)

Actually, the FDA does not approve prescription drug ads in advance, but assures the public that staff try to monitor them to ensure claims are not false or misleading.

The morning talk shows and the evening news bombard you with drug commercials. Patients now ask their doctors for drugs by brand name. Drug companies don’t have to spell out exactly how the drug works and the FDA cannot ban a drug from a TV ad even if there are serious risks. The pharmaceutical companies do…



Grace Notes @notesofgrace

A grace note is melodically and harmonically nonessential. My writing will be more than that. 🎶 My name just happens to be Grace .