100 Word Story

A Drabble A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

At least that’s what they told me №1

Luca Pennacchioni on Unsplash

A drabble is a tiny fictional story told in precisely 100 words. No more, no less.

He sits on a bench facing the ocean as the sun goes down. She sits on the other side of the bench. He takes it as a sign to start talking.

He weaves a tale of lost love and a trip to Italy to write. He purchases a crumbling, but stately manor, he explains, and wonders if he will fall in love again.

He is only home to collect his things, to sell his house and return to where he thinks he belongs.

She turns to him and says, “I’ve seen Under The Tuscan Sun.”
He laughs and walks away.

If you’ve written a drabble, I’d love to read it. Just tag me.




Grace Notes @notesofgrace

A grace note is melodically and harmonically nonessential. My writing will be more than that. 🎶 My name just happens to be Grace .